04.2019If you've been following along this year, I promised new year, new GBP. I'm just blown away by the continued support from both new and previous clients alike as we plan your sessions and I'm throwing out some off the wall ideas at ya. When this adorable Mama contacted me wanting a session ... READ the POST
Memering Family Grows by Two Feet | Newborn Lifestyle | Adrian, MI Photographer
03.2019I'm pretty sure I need way more of these authentic sessions in my life, STAT! I'll be honest, when I started in photography I had no idea what some of these style terms even meant. What the heck is "lifestyle" anyways!? Simply put, it's just that REAL LIFE. I know what you're thinking, why ... READ the POST
Snow Day Fun | Lifestyle Session | Adrian, MI Photographer
01.2019On snow day 100 here in the mitten, we throw rules out the door and play with reckless abandon. I feel as a "boy mom" I'm constantly living with my spidey senses tingling, alerting me to some impending disaster these boys are about to get into. After an unexpected week off, with several snow ... READ the POST