05.17.20Happy #SeniorSunday friends! Though I'm sure as this school year is coming to a close it is anything but business as usual for the Class of 2020. I know these aren't the visions you had for your final months with your school aged friends. These weren't the memories you thought you'd be ... READ the POST
Hutson | Class of 2020 | Adrian, MI Photographer
12.31.2019Oh this poor neglected website. Coming off the single busiest year since I've been in business, finding time to all of the things has eluded me this year. While I'd love to be able to give more time to blogging, I'd rather give the best customer service I can and give you your beautiful ... READ the POST
Chase | Class of 2019 | Senior | Adrian, MI Photographer
03.2019I always feel like senior sessions come in waves for me, either I have tons in a year or next to none. I love the change of pace that comes with working with seniors. I spend most of my days chasing families and kids, so it's a refreshing break to have a client who sits still LOL! While ... READ the POST